
Dart testing

Software testing, an important part of app development, helps verify that your app is working correctly before you release it. This Dart testing guide outlines several types of testing, and points you to where you can learn how to test your Flutter, web, and server-side apps and scripts.

You can run tests on the command line using the dart test command (or, for Flutter apps, flutter test).

Kinds of testing


The Dart testing docs focus on three kinds of testing, out of the many kinds of testing that you may be familiar with: unit, component, and end-to-end (a form of integration testing). Testing terminology varies, but these are the terms and concepts that you are likely to encounter when using Dart technologies:

  • Unit tests focus on verifying the smallest piece of testable software, such as a function, method, or class. Your test suites should have more unit tests than other kinds of tests.

  • Component tests (called widget tests in Flutter) verify that a component (which usually consists of multiple classes) behaves as expected. A component test often requires the use of mock objects that can mimic user actions, events, perform layout, and instantiate child components.

  • Integration and end-to-end tests verify the behavior of an entire app, or a large chunk of an app. An integration test generally runs on a simulated or real device or on a browser (for the web) and consists of two pieces: the app itself, and the test app that puts the app through its paces. An integration test often measures performance, so the test app generally runs on a different device or OS than the app being tested.

Generally useful libraries


Although your tests partly depend on the platform your code is intended for—Flutter, the web, or server-side, for example—the following packages are useful across Dart platforms:

  • package:test
    Provides a standard way of writing tests in Dart. You can use the test package to:

    • Write single tests, or groups of tests.
    • Use the @TestOn annotation to restrict tests to run on specific environments.
    • Write asynchronous tests just as you would write synchronous tests.
    • Tag tests using the @Tag annotation. For example, define a tag to create a custom configuration for some tests, or to identify some tests as needing more time to complete.
    • Create a dart_test.yaml file to configure tagged tests across multiple files or an entire package.
  • package:mockito
    Provides a way to create mock objects, easily configured for use in fixed scenarios, and to verify that the system under test interacts with the mock object in expected ways. For an example that uses both package:test and package:mockito, see the International Space Station API library and its unit tests in the mockito package.

Flutter testing


Use the following resources to learn more about testing Flutter apps:

Other tools and resources


You may also find the following resources useful for developing and debugging Dart applications.



When it comes to debugging, your first line of defense is your IDE. Dart plugins exist for many commonly used IDEs.

Dart DevTools


Dart DevTools is a suite of performance tools for Dart and Flutter. For details, see the Dart DevTools documentation.

Continuous integration


Consider using continuous integration (CI) to build your project and run its tests after every commit. Two CI services for GitHub are GitHub Actions and AppVeyor.

Learn more about GitHub Actions:

  • Testing Dart packages with GitHub Actions demonstrates a simple workflow for using GitHub Actions to test a Flutter app or Dart package.
  • Many packages provided by the Dart team use GitHub Actions. For an example, see test-package.yml in the markdown package's repo. To see how that repo migrated from Travis CI to GitHub Actions, look at PR #353.